Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recommended Media

Francine Rivers: A Lineage of Grace
Francine Rivers is an amazing Christian author of historical fiction. In this collection of novellas, Rivers recounts the stories of five courageous women in the lineage of Jesus Christ: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. These five women face incredible dangers, ridicule, and disownment from their families, but finally find true love: the love of their Creator. This is a powerful testimony of the depth of God’s love, kindness, and forgiveness. It is a pure joy to step into the shoes of these women through whom all nations would be blessed.(Picture Copyright Francine Rivers 2010)

This is the story of Repunzel like you have never heard it before. Disney’s newest princess story is laugh-out-loud funny and heartwarming. The young princess has known no more of the world than the confines of a tower that she has grown up in with the woman she thinks is her mother. She aches to taste the world outside but is held indoors by fear and a sense of duty. Meanwhile just over the hills a kingdom mourns for a lost princess stolen in infancy from her crib. One day everything changes when a handsome thief (although Repunzel does not know this) named Flynn Rider climbs into her tower looking for a place to stash stolen goods. This movie will have you at the 
edge of your seat to the very end. A must see! 
(Picture Copyright Disney 2010)

                  Jason Castro
I loved Jason Castro on American Idol. I will never forget his rendition of “somewhere over the rainbow.” You have probably heard his beautiful song “You Are” if you listen to KLOVE. If not, listen to it right now on his website www.jasoncastromusic.com . While you are there check out his latest music for an adorable little love song “Let’s Just Fall in Love. “ Jason is currently on tour in the Eastern United States. If you get a chance to see him, go! (Picture Copyright Jason Castro 2011)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Recipe for Diaper Cake

I went to a baby shower this weekend for a lovely young lady at church. My present was a “diaper cake” which is just a couple of packs of diapers and some odds and ends made to look like a cake. Some of the ladies wanted to know how they could make one so: voila! I have written up directions for how I made my cake. The recipe-

1 pack size 2 diapers
1 pack size 3 diapers
1 bottle baby wash
1 tube diaper rash cream
3 bottles
2 pacifiers
1 “baby inside” sign for the topper
1 monkey bib
1 monkey blanket
1 package tiny rubber bands
1 pre-made ribbon bunch for the top
1 roll crepe paper
Multi-colored tissue paper
Scotch Tape

Step 1: Roll up the diapers into tight cylindrical shapes and fasten with a tiny rubber band. Repeat for all diapers, keeping the sizes separate to make it easier for the mom-to-be.

Step 2:  Using the bottle of baby wash as the anchor for the base, surround it with the size 3 diapers to make a large circle and fasten with yarn. Sometimes it is easier to make a smaller inner circle and fasten that and then surround with the remaining diapers and fasten again. Two sets of hands really helps but it is possible to complete by yourself. I used a piece of cardboard for my “cakeboard/platform” covered in tissue paper.

Step 3: surround the top of the bottle with some of the size 2 diapers, making a smaller circle, and fasten with yarn. Tip: face the seams where the edge of the diaper is inward for a prettier appearance. Stick the tube of diaper rash cream down into the center of the diapers with the flat side down to continue the center.

Step 4: Repeat step 3 making a smaller circle and then fasten the last of the diapers into an even smaller circle for the top. The fourth layer will not be much smaller than the third and that’s ok.

Step 5: Wrap the crepe paper around the center of each layer where the yarn is to make it look nicer and secure with tape.

Step 6: Fold the blanket into thirds or fourths, keeping the decorative picture on the front. Wrap around the third tier and secure with a pin or safety pin. I also pinned my bib across the middle of the blanket.

Step 7: Stick the sign into the top layer so it faces the front and stick the ribbon bunch in front of it to create the topper. Wedge the pacifiers in wherever you think they will look nice. I just set my bottles on the front of the platform and attempted to secure them with tap but this didn’t work too well. I would recommend just carrying them to the shower and arranging them when you get there.

Step 8: Make several tissue paper flowers: cut each piece of tissue paper into 8 squares/ rectangles. Lay three pieces on top of each other. Accordion-fold the three pieces as one until you have a long skinny rectangle. Secure in the middle with a tiny rubber band wrapped 3 times. Pull the layers apart and in to the center of the bundle until all are gathered. The rubber band will be in the bottom in the center. Secure the flowers around the cake with tape.  Now you have a useful and attractive present for your baby shower!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Helping Out In Japan's Time of Need

        As we all know, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan late last night and continues to have devastating results. Many people are now wondering what we should do now. The first thing to do is not be fearful. Remember that God is still in control and although this may have come as a shock to us, He had complete knowledge that it would happen. Are earthquakes mentioned in the bible? You bet they are- “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famine and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginnings of birth pains.” -Mathew 24:6-8. So do not fear or worry about what is happening in the world. Know that all these things are signs that the return of our Savior is close at hand and praise Him! Still, there are things we can do to help the downcast in Japan.

        The number one most important thing we can do is pray. These people are hurting and scared. They are naked and hungry and homeless. They need the comforter now more than ever. Pray that charity will arise to the needs of the people. Pray that they will be safe. Pray that God’s workers there will be safe. Pray that the orphaned will find a parent and the grieving families will find peace. Pray that they see the love of Christ in their time of need. Most of all pray for their salvation. At no time like during a time of crisis do people look around them and search for meaning in this dark and lonely world. Pray that they find it in Jesus and that the deceiver would be unable to wreak havoc and will be cast out from wherever he attempts to make his dwelling.

        There are some more tangible ways to show the love of Christ as well. Donate to reputable, established charities such as the Red Cross and Save the Children. Beware of scams that inevitably pop up after any disaster occurs. If you cannot afford to give maybe you can organize a fundraiser. Donate money rather than food or clothing as it is easier to use and will fill any need that may arise rather than specific needs that may be over-met. Better yet, donate blood. The supply is always short during disasters. Lastly, if you are able and feel God’s calling in the area, find a group headed that way and go lend a hand. Nothing demonstrates the love of Christ like a pair of arms to lift up the fallen.

        “Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to be your hands and feet in the world. We ask you to move in power in these areas of great need right now. We ask for your protection over your children who are in these areas trying to help and especially the ones who have now lost their homes and possibly friends and family members. We ask for comfort and peace in this time where it is hard to find any and that the lost people of this nation would reach out to your capable hands to save them in their time of need. Thank you, Lord, for your love and kindness to your unworthy creation. We pray in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.“

I will leave you with this good old song...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Giving it to God: Giving up Sugar for Lent

        I am completely addicted to sugar. A couple weeks ago I ate half a box of thin mints one day and the next ate three ice cream bars. Things were getting out of hand. So I decided to go on a “natural food” diet. I would eat only whole grains, fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy and quality oils. No refined sugar or flour. I have been doing… not that great. Most of my day I do just fine but then I get a bad craving and twice it has ended in a very big splurge. I just don’t have the willpower. So I have decided that I will give up sugar as an offering to God for lent. He will be my accountability partner. You see, I don’t have a problem breaking promises I make to myself, but I don’t dare break a promise to God.
         For those of you who don’t know what Lent is, it is a time during which some denominations of Christianity will “give up” a certain food or behavior in self-denial in order to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 8th this year) and lasts forty days through Easter Sunday. The Bible tells us that Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness fasting and praying before he began his ministry. We emulate this during lent as a memorial of what Christ has done for us. Giving up sugar for Lent will remind me every time that I crave it (so about every hour or so for me) that Jesus died for my sins and I will practice dying to myself, my human desires, at least in this one area. Every time I want sugar I will thank God for the free gift of eternal life through belief in Christ Jesus and deny myself. Who’s with me? What will you be giving up? We might even lose a few pounds in the process, especially if we dance before the Lord in worship.

          Some might say that this is more about diet than worship, but it is all about your mindset. If you renew your mind with every temptation to remember the true purpose of your self-denial it can be an incredible time of closeness with God. Plus, there are biblical reasons to take good care of your body. Our bodies are the present day tabernacle, dwelling place of the Most High God. 1 Corinthians 6:19 (New King James Version) says “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” So when we take care of our bodies by giving them nourishing food and exercise, we can choose to be obsessed with our appearances and what other people think of us. We can constantly think about what we should and shouldn’t eat and whether we are thin enough or pretty enough. Or we can let care of our bodies be an act of worship, our duty as priests in the Lord’s temple. Romans 12:1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." 

          Who will join me in this act of worship, our reasonable service to our creator, sustainer, and savior?

p.s. Sorry about the different font types. I can't figure out how to fix it! I am so technologically challenged!

Letter From The Editor

      Good______ (insert your current time of day here) Ladies! Welcome to 4 Him. I hope you will come back and fellowship with us soon! My name is Erin Self and I am a Christian (young) woman and the creator and editor of this blogazine. I have been married for five years to my husband, Darin. I will not tell you it has been easy and we have never had rough patches but I would not trade these years for the world. He has been God’s greatest gift to me. I also have two sweet babies named Annabelle (3) and Eli (1, for now). I love Jesus Christ and can never get enough of Him in my life! I also struggle, though, finding enough hours in a day to get everything done, including my devotional. If you are like me, welcome, friend!

I want to start off by telling you what this blog is not. This is not a devotional blog. In no way can this or any other blog replace personal time in the word and presence of God. I will, however, post Bible and Christian themed blogs often. This is not (just) an advice column. I have, however, posted my e-mail address (erinmself@hotmail.com) at the bottom of the page and I do welcome your requests for advice. I will try to give you a Godly perspective and encouragement as soon as I can. This is not a cooking forum or a diet forum, but I will post recipes and diet and exercise tips and tricks when I come across them. Think of this as a women’s magazine without all of the tainted secularist “stuff” creeping in. It is a safe place for young Christian women just to be. So welcome, new friends and sisters in Christ. I am VERY glad to meet you.

P.S.- Make sure to answer my poll and leave comments with what kind of topics you would like to see covered here!